
The B&B Casa Liquilab is a modern flat in a small building in the center town of TRICASE, 2, Trappeti Street.

Here are the navigator coordinates: Lat. N 39º 55' 51.1"  -  Long. E 18º 21' 44,6" E
On Google Maps please type the words "B&B Casa Liquilab" or the following radio data trackers: 39.930868, 18.362396

The town of Tricase

Tricase is a small town of 17,737 inhabitants in the province of Lecce, Puglia and it’s the biggest town of Capo di Leuca.
If you would like to know more about Tricase, please look at these following web sites:
Official website of Comune di Tricase
Official website of Parco Naturale Regionale Costa Otranto - Santa Maria di Leuca e Bosco di Tricase

B&B Casa Liquilab on Google Maps